

Forehead Wrinkles |Lateral Forehead Wrinkles

Forehead Wrinkles |Lateral Forehead Wrinkles

Forehead wrinkles are most commonly caused by making frequent facial expressions, such as raising our eye brows as with a surprised appearance. The best way to tell if you need botox in this area is to stand in front of a mirror, raise your eye brows, then relax them. Are the lines still there? Once you resume a relaxed expression the lines should fade without a trace, if yours do not, perhaps it’s time to consider botox. Botox relaxes the frontalis muscles on your forehead, which then minimizes their movement and the wrinkles they create. Some individuals prefer very little movement in this area providing a very smooth appearance, while others like to be able to maintain some level of expression. Whichever you prefer, Dr. Tyler has the skillset to meet your needs. During your pre-procedure consultation, she will discuss the specific appearance you’re striving for and prepare a plan to achieve it.
Dysport for deep forehead wrinkles